
“Museum Management” diploma

“Museum Management” diploma
Objectives: This diploma aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary for documenting and displaying museum holdings and marketing museums, assigning tasks and responsibilities of museum departments, acquiring tourism and museum guidance skills, organizing museum activities, and committing to ethics of the profession. It also enhances their knowledge of the types of museums and the importance of tourism.
Intended Audience (who is eligible for this?):
High school graduates, who wish to work and join cultural heritage institutions and those who have experience in the cultural field.
1- Museum Management
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to perform administrative tasks based on principles of management science, tasks and responsibilities of the various departments of museum’s organizational structure. It also introduces types of museum activities, the visiting rules and security and safety procedures.
2- Principles of Tourism Science
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance their knowledge of the basics of tourism science, the components of cultural tourism, the diverse influences of the tourism industry, and tourist supply and demand.
3- Museum Science and its Reality in the UAE
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to differentiate between the types of museums and the types of international organizations concerned with museum work as applied to the UAE.
4- Tourist and Museum Guide
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to practice tasks of tourist and museum guide, and commitment to profession ethics and the rules governing it.
5- Documenting & Displaying Museum Holdings
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and skills necessary to document and display museum holdings, through a mix of traditional presentation methods and modern technological methods.
6- Museum Marketing
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to effectively market various types of museums inside and outside the UAE.
7- Practical Application
This course aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to apply skills of museum guide, organize museum activities and events. It also focuses on the technical aspects and museum display through internship in a museum.