
Administrative Business in Cultural and Heritage Institutions” diploma – level 5

“Administrative Business in Cultural and Heritage Institutions" diploma – level 5
Objectives: This diploma aims to provide trainees with the knowledge, skills, and competencies for performing the major administrative business in cultural and heritage institutions.
Intended Audience (who is eligible for this?):
High school graduates, who wish to work and join cultural heritage institutions and those who have experience in the cultural field.
1- Cultural Heritage, its Arts and Ways of Safeguarding it
This course introduces the cultural heritage, the history of its evolution, its components, its importance, its tangible and intangible types, the requirements and conditions for its study and ways to preserve it.
2- Basics, Administrative Jobs and Cultural Policies of Cultural and Heritage Institutions
This course deals with the basics, administrative jobs and cultural policies of cultural and heritage institutions, as well as manager and leader skills and leadership styles.
3- Human Resources of Cultural and Heritage Institutions
This course deals with HR management in cultural and heritage institutions, in terms of the role, basics and functions, and skills of employees and methods of developing their performance.
4- Marketing of Cultural Heritage Resources
This course deals with the concept of marketing a cultural product in cultural, heritage and art institutions, its forms and advantages, as well as ways of marketing, its importance, aspects, characteristics and dimensions.
5- Cultural Tourism
This course focuses on the concept of cultural tourism, its importance, characteristics, types, components, determinants, international standards, and regulative mechanisms in the UAE.
6- Heritage Festivals and Events Management
This course introduces heritage festivals and events management, protocol of organisation, planning and implementing basics, the tasks of the operating committees, and the mechanism of organization.
7- Funding of Cultural Heritage Projects
This course deals with the financial management of cultural and heritage institutions, the importance and methods of providing and diversifying financial source, support and patronage, modern trends in financing, ways of saving, diversifying and justifying, and the relationship with donors.
8- Applied Research (Simple Cultural Project Management)
This course deals with the knowledge, skills and competencies necessary to plan and manage a cultural and heritage project. Trainees will be required to implement, manage and document a cultural and heritage project, based on an action plan.