April 21, 2021

Sharjah Institute for Heritage organizes joyful events On the occasion of World Heritage Day

The Sharjah Institute for Heritage organized virtual and virtual events on the occasion of World Heritage Day, under the slogan "Pioneering Efforts to Protect Cultural Heritage", which included a virtual lecture in which His Excellency Dr. Abdul Aziz Al-Musallam, President of the Sharjah Institute for Heritage, and Dr. It was moderated by Dr. Mona Bounaama, Director of the Content and Publication Department at the Sharjah Heritage Institute.
The Institute has been celebrating this global occasion during the activities of the Sharjah Heritage Days, and in view of the current exceptional circumstances regarding the emerging corona virus, the Institute’s celebrations of the World Heritage Day, which falls on the eighteenth of April, came with a special flavor, and distinguished and varied celebrations, focused on the side of lectures. The various activities in the morning and evening received a lively and remarkable interaction from the followers, and in Khorfakkan, the Institute's branch organized a celebration on this occasion.

His Excellency Dr. Abdul Aziz Al Musallam, President of the Sharjah Institute for Heritage, said: “Talking about heritage and the World Heritage Day is a talk of feelings. Each of us is linked to heritage in one way or another. It is the connection of homeland and motherhood, and a link that has very deep roots, and we in Sharjah have beginnings Early and beautiful, as well as we still remember the special interest in heritage by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan, founder and builder of the UAE, who lived heritage in all its manifestations, and was concerned with three main aspects of heritage, namely, folk literature, poetry, proverbs and tales, camel and horse sports, and traditional sailing boat racing.

His Excellency continued: "It is an appreciable journey in which we made great strides in heritage and adopted cultural heritage projects, such as the Great Project, the Arab Heritage Thesaurus Project, and there are certainly other projects, including those three dictionaries that we produced, through the efforts of researchers and specialists."

He added: "The World Heritage Day is a day we cherish and appreciate, and we consider it one of the most important global occasions that emphasize the status of heritage and the need to preserve, preserve and pass it on to generations, and indicates the importance of global cooperation and coordination in various heritage affairs and issues, and that what unites us as humans in all civilizations and cultures is very much. It needs to be focused and celebrated.

Corona and Heritage in a lecture "Pioneering Efforts to Protect Cultural Heritage"
The Muslim confirmed that Corona and its consequences have had effects on heritage and accordingly, it has affected some customs and traditions, as well as new methods that must be documented. Things have been affected by heritage due to the current exceptional circumstances.
He continued: As for the impact on the institutional act of heritage, as we see, there are no conferences, invitations, meetings, or travel to participate in events, as the scene and action were before Corona, however, electronic and virtual platforms came to replace direct meetings, but what is missing from these platforms is that they are without Spirit and without feelings, like real existence, virtual platforms sometimes kill this connection and interaction, but positively we still communicate and perform our tasks, and the most beautiful here is that we can communicate in our popular dress, and it is also possible to participate in more than one event or event remotely, where Corona enlightened our eyes to Several solutions and alternatives.

For his part, Dr. Mustafa Gad expressed his thanks and appreciation to the Sharjah Heritage Institute and its efforts in preserving heritage, preserving it and passing it on to generations, as it is the illustrious Arab institution in heritage preservation, pointing out that the Institute's interest in heritage issues motivates researchers and specialists and provides them with a new encouraging force, as it makes us as specialists and researchers. We are concerned with making the most of heritage and following it up from an economic point of view related to heritage, as we assure everyone that heritage is not only a memory, but an economic development issue, and there are many development projects in it.