Content and Publishing

The SIH takes care of the heritage content and scientific dissemination, and provides the cultural scene with valuable scientific topics, in culture, heritage, history, literature, science, anthropology and related subjects, through qualitative chains: academic theses series, heritage notebooks series, heritage books series, Emirati creations, after being subject to arbitration and the applicable scientific and academic regulations in the field of scientific publishing. Through the content and publishing, the Institute aims to contribute a significant share to the heritage areas that did not receive focus and remained free from study and scrutiny.

The SIH strives to enhance awareness of the UAE cultural heritage and the Arabian and international heritage through a package of organizational procedures that fall into the core of the book making process, including its design, production, promotion, marketing and distribution according to precise practical steps. The SIH publishes (Al Mawrouth), a quarterly scientific journal. The first edition was issued in March 2016, in addition to the monthly magazine "Marawed". It is miscellaneous magazine concerns the cultural heritage.


Children Workshop


Children Workshop


Children Workshop